How can I display a page item below a table in a region? It would appear that Page Items always appear above a table.
The page item displays a single item from another table so is there another way of doing it? I can’t add a sub-region or another region as Apex seems to want to add a header to the region.
Thanks Vinish. Not sure if it’ll work as regions seem to always want a name that’ll be displayed which I don’t want. I’ll give them a try. Thanks
What do you mean by below a table? Do you mean an Interactive Grid?
Hi Vinish
Hope you’re well. Wasn’t clear – sorry.
So, I have 3 page items on a page with a classic report. I want two of the page items to appear above the classic report (table) and one of them to appear below the classic report. As I’ve said, the third item just happens to be populated by a SQL statement from a table which is different from the table that is populating the classic report.
Ok, you can do the following:
Create a region as a parent region; for example, give the name ParentRegion.
Now create a sub-region (under parent region) for the two-page items, which will be above the classic report.
Then create another sub-region (under parent region) for the classic report.
Create another sub-region (under parent region) for the third item.
You can simply create a new region below the classic report region and drag that third item to it.