I created a Editable Interactive grid. My goal is to create a new record and pass a date to one column (i.e. current_date) which automatically use the same date value for other column (i.e. admission_date). How can i achieve that? I am new to Apex and trying to explore different features.
I know this can be done through Dynamic Action (Set Value) but i don’t know what i suppose to select ‘SET TYPE’ drop down.
To copy the one column value to another column in Interactive Grid, create the dynamic action on the source column for change event to set the value of the target column.
In the following example, I am setting the column LAST_NAME value to the EMAIL column. Below is the screenshot:
Follow all the steps shown in the above image. It will work as you needed.
Thank you for your response. What if Email Column is disable. In this case it is not working. Is there any way to assign the same value to a hidden column? Thanks
If the column is hidden, then no need to assign the value from the screen.
You can simply create a database trigger on before insert to copy the value, for example:
:new.b_date := :new.a_date;
Can we try through JavaScript Expression (document.getElementById().value). One of my colleague done this my using JavaScript expression but with the page item even though the affected columns are hidden. When i try same with the column name then it is not working. Do you think there is any way to use JavaScript expression with column name?