I have created Payment Mode based on SQL query which Type is Radio button. Right now have two values Cash=C, Cheque =Q. I create DA on Payment Mode item so it will make enable Cheque Filed if Mode of payment is Cheque.
Now in both condition Cheque filed remain disable. Please suggest what is the steps missing.
Issue has been resolved.
Follow these steps:
Suppose your radio button group name is P2_PAYMENT_MODE.
Create a dynamic action on the above radio button group for the Change event and specify the client-side condition “Item = Value“.
For the item property, it will show the item name P2_PAYMENT_MODE itself.
Now specify the value Q for it.
Create a True action to enable the Cheque field.
Create a False action to disable the Cheque field.
Please try these steps and let me know if any issues.
Hi Vinish,
I followed the same steps earlier which you suggested. Actually the problem is regarding the List of values(LOV) , if radio button is based on Static Values then it’s working where it DA don’t work if LOV based on sql query.
Please advise.
I have also tested using the LOV. I choose a LOV from shared components, and still, the DA is working on the radio button. You must be missing something.
No. I selected Sql Query instead of Shared Components. However, tried to select shared components but system is not showing any filed where can write sql query for this radio button.
I have tried using the SQL query only and found no issues.
Have you specified the client-side condition and the correct value for it?
Thanks for you support.
By the way there was my mistake.