I have created a page which has multiple reports. The first IG report (i.e. Clients) it the starting report. When user click on any column from any page (for example I have 10 pages) then it will display the rest ...
vinish.ai Latest Questions
I created a login page and it has a captcha. Now I want to show captcha when user enter wrong username or password. For that I want to add a page item as a counter that has default value = ...
I have an item A whose value is chosen from a Select list. Depending on the chosen value, a DA is activated and in its true option it updates an item B, with the option Set value, that does it well ...
Hi Do you have any suggestion how I can add funcionallity to your way to highlight row in IR as described in your blog. I have an IR wich calls a modal page. I want to preserve the highlight when refresh ...
Hi! I tried to refresh items on Dialog Closed using DA. WhenEvent: Dialog ClosedSelection Type: RegionRegion: region_name TrueAction: RefreshSelection Type: Item(s)Item(s): :PXX_ITEM, :PXX_ITEM2 When I change something and close the dialog all items are unchanged. Thanks in advance!
Hi Sir How Can I call Inline Dialogue FROM Menu For Example I Have In Page 2 Inline Dialogue With Static Id MY_DLGM
HI, I have a following tables, which is used in order to be processed Sales activity. However, i am getting some problem while returning value from Lov. First we enter the order which we receive from customer. After that we generate Sales ...
Hi Vinish, If any validation which fire either it from database trigger or constrains check then how we can capture and show property message. As most of the database errors appear like ’033-ORA-NOT VALID CONDITION’ How to capture this error and make ...
I am trying to find the most convenient way for teachers to enter student attendance, not interactive report, but they select the date, their class and student names with a switch or check box next to each come up and ...
Hi Sir, i want to add fields,eg:there are 5 fields where if i enter 3 fields also the value should be calculated,and the number that i am entering is like 2:00,0:30 but i am unable to sum all the fields if ...