Below are the examples to check if a record exists using PL/SQL in Oracle.
Check if record exists using the Count() function
The following Oracle PL/SQL block will use the count()
function in implicit cursor
to count the records for particular criteria. If the count is greater than 0 means, the records exist else not exist.
Declare n_count number; Begin Select count(1) into n_count from emp Where job = 'CLERK'; if n_count > 0 then -- do something here if exists dbms_output.put_line('record exists.'); else -- do something here if not exists dbms_output.put_line('record does not exists.'); end if; End;
Using Oracle PL/SQL Explicit Cursor to check if record exists
In the following example, it will check using the explicit cursor
Declare Cursor c_emp is Select count(1) from emp Where job = 'CLERK'; n_count number; Begin open c_emp; fetch c_emp into n_count; close c_emp; if n_count > 0 then -- do something here if exists dbms_output.put_line('record exists.'); else -- do something here if not exists dbms_output.put_line('record does not exists.'); end if; End;
Using Oracle PL/SQL Implicit Cursor to check if record exists
The following example will check using the SQL query to get the specific value, and if the value exists then, it will continue to process; if not, it will be handled by the exception block.
Declare v_ename emp.ename%type; Begin Select ename into v_ename from emp where empno = 7369; -- if the record exist you can continue with your code here dbms_output.put_line('record exists.'); Exception When others then -- no_data_found error will raise if the record does not exists. dbms_output.put_line('record does not exists.'); End;
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